Set Design- 7
Gameplay- 8
Show Flow- 7
Potential Viewer Ratings- 9
Play-Along Factor- 10
Host- 8
Overall Rating- 8.1
Premise: Two teams compete in a series of three rounds. In the first round, each team answers two brain-teaser questions and has 15 seconds to answer each question. The question value starts at $300 and $20 is deducted from the money clock for each second that has passed. A correct answer earns the team the remainder of the bank and an incorrect answer earns the team no money. The rules are the same for the second round with the exceptions of each teammate answering the questions individually, each team has 20 seconds to answer with the money clock starting at $500 and $25 is deducted for each passing second. In the third round, each teammate answers one question while going head-to-head against an opposing teammate. Contestant have 20 seconds to answer the first question and 25 seconds to answer the second questions with both money clocks starting at $1,000 (-$50 per second) and $2,500 (-$100 per second), respectively. The team with the highest total at the end of the round keeps their winnings and advances to the Smart Money end game.
In the Smart Money bonus round, the team has 30 seconds to answer one final question. One teammate will give their answer first while the other teammate is sent offstage in a soundproof area. Once the first teammate answers the question, the other teammate will have a chance to answer with the remaining time left on the 30-second clock. If one teammate answers correctly, the team wins an additional $1,000. If both teammates answers correctly, the team wins $10,000.
And now, for the review...

As host, Ben Glieb serves as a good emcee for this show. I enjoyed watching him host the new show with his natural on-camera presence, conversing well with the contestants with his deadpan, sarcastic, yet endearing sense of humor and quick wit at his aid. One of the qualities that stood the most about Ben Glieb was how he conducted the send-off interviews with the losing teams. Rather say simple and quick “Thanks for playing”, he spent a little more time with the teams, discussing how well or poorly they played, similar to how Jane Lynch on Hollywood Game Night. Other laudable elements include great show flow, the two-contestant, two-team competitive dynamic, the decent prize budget and the simple game play. However, there are couple of elements I’m not too crazy about.
Too Simple: Although I like the simplicity of the overall game play, the rounds could use more questions to fill some of the empty time used for Gleib and the contestant to discuss their answer selection.
Modifications To "Head-To-Head” Round: Because there is no additional incentive awarded for answering a question correctly in the fastest time, the “head-to-head” third round is essentially pointless. It seems like to function like rounds one and two and appears to have been configured the way it is just to build tension. The third round could have been developed like one contestant from each team answers five questions, one at a time with different starting dollar values for each one, and the contestant who answers correctly and the fastest (should there be a tie) wins their team the remainder of the money on their clock.
Overall, Idiotest is a great engaging, interactive, humorous and fun game show and a great show to juxtapose GSN’s more cerebral series,The Chase, on Tuesday evenings. I believe the show will draw in a lot of viewers because of the creative and deceptive brain teasers and riddles the show has to offer along with the excellent play-along factor. The Riddler would be proud of these brain teasers. I predict GSN will bring back this show for a second season and hope they do.
Watch new episodes of Idiotest Tuesday nights at 9:00pm ET on GSN!
**All screenshots have been taken from the actual episodes of Idiotest. No ownership is implied.**
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